Marin Economic Forum

The Marin Economic forum provides information and opportunities to collaborate for improving Marin County’s economic vitality, while seeking to increase social equity and protect the environment.

Marin’s Economic Stakeholders include private sector companies, chambers of commerce, county and municipal governments, educational institutions, organizations supporting workforce employment, housing, and similar economic-related activities, consumer groups, and other organizations as designated by the MEF Board of Directors.

The Marin Economic forum enables Marin’s economic stakeholders* to collaborate on improving the County’s economic vitality, focusing on Marin’s targeted industries** while enhancing social equity and protecting the environment.

Marin Economic Forum is…

  • Connecting Businesses to partners and solutions
  • Educating on the importance of business for Marin County’s future
  • Providing data and information to help businesses and local governments
  • Supporting economic development efforts for sustainable growth of local businesses