• Where shall we link your image to link to?
  • Would you be willing to invite your network to our show (talks)?
  • Briefly explain what folks vistiting the showcase will learn. Be specific, please. For our events, we are always interested in innovative companies and or heartfelt non-profits, artists to share their work and services with attendees. We seek unique services, technologies, artists, or products that our attendees would find useful and interesting.
  • IMPORTANT- Please include what your GOAL is in showcasing to our audience. For example, is it to acquire Funding? business leads? find talent? education? etc etc
  • There is "typically" a fee to be included in the showcase. However, read FURTHER. Our showcase fee includes a sponsorship where we brand and list you to our TED Community before and at the showcase. The showcase (Pre-show wine gathering) will be Saturday, Sept 17th 6P to 7:30P at the College of Marin. For our 2022 event, the standard Demo fee is $375 for a NON Profit and $475 for others. You will have 1.5 hours with our assembled crowd (600) to share what you do. COST NOTE: If you are asking for the showcase demo to be pro-bono (free to you) OR LESS THAN FULL PRICE please explain BELOW exactly WHY that needs to be. OR Tell us your budget $, and we will consider it. There are more prominent branding packages available. We try hard to showcase interesting companies, start-ups, and Non Profits that we feel bring something interesting/and new to our attendees and attending angels/VC's. NOTE: We too are run as a volunteer-based, not for profit event series
  • What companies are in the same market space? Or are companies doing something similar/
  • If you wish more robust branding and exposure, all while positioning your company as supporting the TED Community. Please describe your interest and we will get back with you. You can also call the office at 415-785-8873 and ask for Bob.
  • ONE Image only- File size below 1MB, please
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: png, jpg, Max. file size: 1 MB.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.